Dječja sjedalica

  • Akcija
  • Redovna cijena €92,00 (693,17 kn)
PDV uključen.


TRGOVINA: Dostupno u trgovini


ROK ISPORUKE: 3-5 dana


Shotgun djecja sjedalica koja se montira na top tube (gornju horizontalnu cijev okvira bicikla) omoguciti ce da vas malisan dozivi sve cari biciklizma iz jedne zabavnije i zanimljivije perspektive. Ova sjedalice vrlo se brzo i jednostavno montira i skida, a najveci problem imati cete oko toga kako odvojiti vaseg malisana buduci da ce uzivati kao nikada prije! :)


  • Sjedalica za montazu na gornju cijev okvira bicikla
  • Za djecu od 2 - 5 godina
  • Maksimalna nosivost: 22 kg
  • Gumena obloga za zastitu okvira
  • Podesiva sirina i nagib za mogucnost montiranja na gotovo sve vrste bicikala
  • Quick release sistem za brzo postavljanje i skidanje
  • Udobno i mekano sjedalo
  • Naslon za noge sa podesivim drzacima
  • Ukljucen alat za montazu



The shotgun seat fits most modern mountain bikes – including bikes with steep, sloping or tapered top tubes. It's even suitable for carbon frames.

The shotgun seat will not fit:

- Electric bikes (check out the Shotgun Pro if you're riding an electric bike)

- Road or gravel bikes (due to the lack of clearance between the front wheel and down tube)

- Cruiser or step-through bikes (due to the lack of clearance between the front wheel and down tube)

- Bikes with a single frame tube

- Some older bikes where the gear or brake cable runs along the top of the top tube (however cables that run elsewhere on the bike are fine)


The shotgun seat has a range of adjustment to fit top tubes from 30 – 68mm wide, and down tubes from 30 – 100mm wide. We have not found any analogue mountain bikes that are outside of these specifications.

The Shotgun seat fits over the top of your top tube, and secures underneath your bottom tube. The max distance between the top tube and bottom tube of your bike where the shotgun seat mounts can not exceed 210mm.